Friday, March 28, 2008

So what is it about working from home?

Working from home, Entrepreneur, home-based business... You hear alot of hype about working from home. It all sounds glamorous and easy to do. But it's much harder than one thinks.

There's alot to consider :

1) Before I even speak in detail with someone, I ask them "WHY". Why do you want to work from home? This is very important for me to know. If you don't have a defined "why" you want to work at home, odds are you will not succeed in working at home. Your reason to work at home HAS to be stronger than your reason not to. There has to be drive, determination and persistence. Without it, you will not succeed.

2) Determine if you are looking to work from home full time or part time. Not all work at home opportunities are full time. So make sure that the company you are looking into can accommodate your desired hours of work.

3) When looking into companies that you are considering to work for, check the BBB (better business bureau) on each company. But here's the thing. You need to know what state that company is located in. And then you call the BBB in that state. I have heard a few people tell me that they called the BBB in the state that they live in, not the state that the company is located in. And they were given incorrect information. The BBB has the ability to make or break a company.

Key items to check on when contacting the BBB:

A) How long has the company been in business?
B) Has the company previously been under a different name? If yes, I suggest staying away. There's a reason.
C) Has the company filed bankruptcy before?
D) Has the company growth continuously grown positive?
E) Has the company moved around?
F) Has the company had the same phone number and for how long?

*** Understand this... It is impossible for a company to make every person happy. And if a company should have some negative feedback, how can you say that it's the fault of the company? What if someone worked for "company A" but did not have the drive, determination, skills, ability, time... What if life just got in the way and that person gave up on the company. Now this person is going to leave negative feedback on "company A", when it was not the companies fault. ***

4) Depending on the business that you are working, you will want to make sure that you have the main necessities. Computer, printer, fax, (there is a online fax service available), copier, highlighters (great for color coding procedures), business cards, paper, notebooks, daily planner, monthly whiteboard with erasable markers, promotional items, and the list goes on and on.

5) Create a work schedule and stick with it. Designate the time you want to work your business and write it down. Let everyone know that this is when you will be working and treat it as that, (work). Now believe me, I know this can be difficult. Especially if you are a single parent and you have younger children. You may only be able to work 20 minutes here, 15 minutes there..... But it will become routine. And I believe in letting my kids help me out as well as setting time aside just for my kids. This is definitely give and take for everyone involved.

6) Stay focused and motivated. Knows your "WHY".

7) Create a goal chart and hang it above your work area. That way you can see it everyday. I picked up a poster board. I used one half of the board and wrote down the goals that I have and the date that they will be achieved. Then on the right side of the poster board, I have pictures cut out and pasted on the board. If you are a visual person, this is great.... Maybe you have your dream house, washer and dryer, a certain landscaped lawn, a car, a picture of the ocean.... Whatever you desire, find a picture of it and put it up on your board.

8) Utilize all the tools that are available for your business. Don't limit yourself. Dip into everything your company has... Become an asset.

9) If you have to talk on the phone, STAND UP..... Take posture. Don't sit and slouch because that does come through over the phone.

10) Keep yourself in check. This is your company. Would you hire or fire yourself? Would you want to work with someone like yourself ?

Source: Cindy Ashworth @ and

Ok, I hope some of this can help. Feel free to use this source but it MUST be linked back to me. Cindy Ashworth is a WAHM on a part time basis and can be found at : and . Yes, this is original and I wrote it. LOL...

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